How to get your movie on Netflix, Amazon Prime and streaming services, becoming an award-winning screenwriters and creating movies with social impact with Toluwani Obayan- Episode 82

Driven by a passion to create narratives that inspire change, Toluwani Obayan has made tangible contributions to the creative space through writing, directing, and editing as seen in projects like her short film “Heart & Might” dedicated to fallen heroes, “This Lady Called Life” a 2020 film for which she received the Best of Nollywood 2020 Award for Best Screenplay, and an AMVCA nomination for Best Writer, and “Explore the World With Tindel” for which she and the team received the ITFF Africa 2019 award for Best African Film in the documentaries section. She has also found creative expression through her published academic article “Audience Perception of Nollywood’s Recurrent Themes as Agents of Socio-cultural Development”, narrative articles such as “The Tale of a Disgruntled Pair of Nigerian Flip Flops” (a satirical protest against child abuse), and her book “Becoming a Spectacular Woman” (2017). She has a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communications and a Masters Degree in Film and Television Studies.

Tolunwani’s Projects and Links:

This Lady Called Life: Trailer 

Ponzi: Trailer 

Heart & Might: Short Film

Green. White. Black: Short Still Photography Film 

Book: Becoming a Spectacular Woman

Company Name: Storystory Village (Social Enterprise) and Toluwani Obayan Works (Sole Proprietorship)

Podcast Name: Once Upon a Dreamer (Anywhere you get your podcasts)


Social Media handles: @toluwaniobayan (Instagram and Twitter)

Key Takeaways

  1. It’s okay to change your direction and retry - Toluwani first pursued architecture but found herself not enjoying the science and mathematics elements of the field. The only aspect of architecture she enjoyed was the drawing element. Toluwani failed math and had to repeat the year, which gave her the chance to go down the path she really wanted: the arts. Toluwani found herself much more content in the arts and she began to excel in school. Mathematics, the subject she initially struggled with, became a subject she mastered and taught others on. 

  2. Getting your dream job takes time - Toluwani worked as an intern at a big production firm in Nigeria for two years where she edited films day in and day out. Toluwani was aware that her two years working as an intern wouldn’t automatically grant her the chance to write a screenplay. She did this to get herself involved in the film industry and slowly worked her way up for 6 years to be able to partake in the directing and writing she dreamed of receiving recognition for it. Often, the path to where you want to be isn’t linear. It takes time, consistency and effort. 

  3. Get to know the people around you - One of Toluwani’s colleagues from her intern days went on to become a big name director in Nigeria. They had both worked as film editors which allowed them to get to know each other. From this connection, Toluwani was able to collaborate with him on several projects and break further into the industry. You never know where someone will end up or who they will become. Be kind and become acquainted with the people around you, regardless of your position or theirs. 

  4. Be selective with the things that matter - Toluwani learned to watch the trajectory of the people who want to work with her. Just because they paid her to write a script doesn’t mean they’ll turn it into a production. For a screenwriter’s resume, scripts that have been made into productions carry far more weight and will be more impressive. Toluwani always considers when production will occur and how the product will be distributed before she signs onto a new project.

  5. Do what you love for you, not for others - The need for external validation is an internal weakness that can stunt the interest and passion we have for doing what we love. Toluwani has always wanted her screenwriting to help others but she realized she was relying too heavily on outside approval and had strayed from her initial purpose. It’s okay if some people don’t like your work. Don’t shun failure- keep moving forward and practice to get better. Be ambitious and stay true to yourself. 









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Fiyin Obayan is the founder of Okiki Consulting, where she helps business owners communicate their personal brand or company brand stories through video content, in order to communicate to their target audience.

Contact Fiyin:



Phone: (306)716-0324

Instagram: @Okikiconsulting and @Okikiconsultingmedia

Facebook: @Okikiconsulting

